The Environmental Policy
Objective: Reduce our carbon footprint
Objective: Reduce our carbon footprint
Coheris attaches particular importance to respect for the environment. In addition to reducing the direct impact of Coheris’ activity on the environment, Coheris’ long-term activity should help its clients to meet their own environmental objectives.
This is why environmental protection is integrated into all aspects of Coheris’ business.
Nevertheless, since Coheris’ activities only have a very slight impact on the environment, no dedicated measures to prevent or repair releases into the air or soil have been implemented.
The main existing environmental and pollution risks are related to the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Coheris ensures the proper management of this waste by donating it to a Suresnoise company, which is responsible for recycling it.
Coheris encourages its employees to adopt the right actions on a daily basis in order to protect the environment.
In this perspective, Coheris has taken various measures to reduce its waste production, mainly at the Suresnes site, and thus enable everyone to adopt the right actions on a daily basis.
A “paperless” office policy has been implemented to reduce the volume of paper used and limit waste.
This resulted in the implementation of the default setting for B&W and duplex printing, the installation of a badge print release device and the tracking of print volume.
In addition, the number of individual printers and photocopiers has been centralized at three points, which also helps to reduce the number of prints.
Coheris has set up waste sorting systems enabling employees to carry out participatory sorting.
Collection boxes and islands as well as appropriate communication have been set up with employees to sort and recycle their waste.
Today, seven waste collection and recovery systems are in place: paper, plastic cups and bottles, cardboard, ink cartridges, batteries, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and light bulbs.
Finally, the coffee machine installed on the Suresnes site is now equipped with mug detectors, which also makes it possible to limit the use of cups.
Finally, employees are now made aware annually of the results of their daily actions and gestures. A Coheris good practice guide has also been put in place. It is included in the welcome booklet distributed to each employee on arrival.
Reducing the environmental footprint of the premises.
Coheris now works with service providers who use eco-labelled cleaning products.
In this context, an electrical control system has been set up with presence detectors for lighting in the premises and low-energy bulbs are used for desk lamps..
In general, Coheris does not identify any risks related to climate change.
Actions are being implemented to optimize energy management:
The car fleet is also a concern. Coheris pays particular attention to the choice of cars in its fleet by favouring vehicle models with CO2 emissions close to 100 g CO2/Km (Nox and Sox emissions).